Ad-hoc Projects


Working through Havas offshoot agency, Cake, I wrote and directed a short social film that demonstrated how well a big Sony TV and smartphone play together.


Client: What would you do if we gave you a Mazda, three days in Japan and £60,000?

Me: This is what I’d do, please and thank you…


Popular ITV quiz show The Chase wanted to offer its viewers some off-screen experiences. I thought up a whole suite of assets, including this newsletter…

Burn / Coca-Cola – F1 Newsletter

Again, working through Cake, I wrote a regular internal newsletter for the big guns at Coca-Cola to keep them informed on their ongoing sponsorship of the Renault Lotus F1 Team.

Sean Rowley’s New Vinyl Review

Guilty Pleasures impresario and DJ Sean Rowley asked me to produce a YouTube show around his life-long obsession with collecting vinyl. I jumped at the chance.


East of England Cultural Tourism