Apollo World Touring

In conjunction with Will Smith’s Westbrook Inc, long-term client Apollo World Touring secured $200m to stage a run of international stadium shows to raise awareness of climate change. Then Covid hit. Overnight they had to rethink their ambitions and drafted me in to do some big-budget blue-sky thinking and brief writing. The result was a series of TV and cinematic properties that brought together Formula 1, IMAX and some of the world’s biggest broadcasters. Several of the projects are slated for production in 2024.

Tour manager Mark Brightman’s screentest for What Happens on Tour

When I need a fresh creative take on an opportunity, Andy’s the first person I call. He never fails to deliver on a brief and always comes at a project with a rigorous yet unexpected approach.
— Paul Morrison – Chairman and Co-Founder, Apollo World Touring

broadcast treatments + brief writing



